A little entertainment from our house to yours and believe me I can't make this stuff up!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Status update
*First, let me start by saying, Bill has been out of town all week and isn't due back until tomorrow. So, that means nonstop fun for me.
*I have been so busy I didn't even make a birthday blog for Tyler so let me first start by saying...
*Jacob had his winter concert on Tuesday. It was very cute but, oh so crowded! How many people can they fit into the elementary school gym? It was packed! Jacob actually sang and did the motions...that is a big step for him.
*Wednesday morning Tyler started my car so I can take him to school and locked the keys in it! So, I call the police and you know it can't just go smooth! I was in tears when he told me the only way he could unlock it would leave a mark! When I called Bill after the policeman opened the door, I cried, he probably thought the car was totaled the way I was carrying on. It's fixable and only as big as this "O" but it's my car, my new car!
*Joshua got in trouble in school again (as if the car wasn't enough for one day). The boy loves to color and he keeps coloring pictures he is not supposed to color yet! Of all things to get in trouble for...coloring?!?!
*and on a different note, exactly how big does the hole in the toilet have to be before a boy can hit the target? GRRRRRR!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
So sensitive
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Let me tell you about my day...
JACOB: "Jude, are you going to play with Aidan on the playground today or are you going to chase Emma?""
JUDE: Don't you remember what I said about Monday?"
(at this time he sees me looking so I turn away and he finishes)
..."Remember I told you she wants a break from being chased until Monday"
JACOB: "Oh.."
JUDE: "But there are 3 other girls in my class that want me to chase them."
It was so funny...they are in first grade!
Then, I get them off to school and it's time for the handy man to be here. Firs,t let me back up and tell you, he cancelled on Wednesday when Bill was home and today when Bill is 4 hours away in Michigan somewhere, do you think this project is going to go smooth? Of course not! He makes a cut in the wall and starts removing plaster just to find heat ducts! Why no one thought of that before...I don't know??? So, obviously our simple project just got so much harder. Here I am freaking out (really I was), I can't get in touch with Bill and this man says to me "Well, there isn't anything I can do but patch up the hole and get out of your way" ...Oh no, that wasn't going to happen we did not rearrange our kitchen for this project to be over before it got started. So, after an hour and a half of brainstorming, we came up will a new plan but, will Bill like it? I can't give him the green light without my husband...can I? No, that would be wrong...or would it? So, I finally talk to Bill and he says "Sounds good, go ahead and do it" Really? That simple? Had I known that I would have told the handyman to go ahead 3 hours earlier and it would have been started. But instead, he has to come back tomorrow. Anyway, wish me luck my kids are all off school tomorrow and it should be interesting.
Monday, November 16, 2009
First, here is a picture of Joshua ans Isaiah's room. They wanted blue walls which was fine but we had to draw the line at the orange door!
We are planning on getting them new bedding around Christmas so then it will all come together.
Next, Bill is taking out the baseboard to put in my cabinet with the butcher block. I am painting my kitchen in yellow because my sister always wanted a yellow kitchen. I talked to her husband tonight and asked him if he had something I can have from her kitchen to put in mine. He said he would find something special.
Here is a drawing of the plans, sorry they are a little light. This is a picture from the dining room looking into the kitchen and where our new bar is going to be. As early as the end of the week I should have a picture of the finished project. Hopefully, if all goes well!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It was bound to happen...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Some more fall fun
Friday, October 30, 2009
Isaiah at it again...
Since we are finishing up the bathroom remodel all of the tools, paint, and stuff is still upstairs. So, the story goes like this...
I just walked in the door and my dad says things went okay. The only thing Isaiah did was bring Bill's drill downstairs and my dad put it up. Well, as he is telling me this I am wondering "Where is he now?" So, I go to check on him and as I am going up the stairs he is coming down and says "THAT WAS FUN!!!" I say, "What was fun?" He says, "I painted my TD!" Oh yes, that little booger opened the paint and painted the TV in his room along with part of the dresser, part of the wall, and door frame. As if that wasn't enough, he used one of my new white towels to clean some of his mess (he couldn't have grabbed the green one that matches the paint perfectly!) I have no pictures because dad and I had to hurry and clean it up before it dried!
No real harm done, it all came off but I may have lost a babysitter over it. My poor dad...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
My new bathroom
I stepped outside my box with this project. I am, or so I thought I was, the neutral type but I think I may have started something. Now, I want to paint the rest of the house. Anyway, here is what it looks like now. All that is left are the baseboards and towel racks.
Friday, October 23, 2009
We took the kids to Kalahari last weekend. It was fun and they really loved it. Bill and I had no time to relax though so it was definitely a kids weekend!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A trip to the fire station
And here they are inside...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A fishy story
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I like Fall. I think it is a very pretty time of year. I am looking forward to bon fires with some friends. The hot tub is a nice place to relax in cooler months. I love to rake the leaves for the kids to jump in. Pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and hay rides are right around the corner.
I am not looking forward to Winter. I do not like to be cold. Bill always tells people that before he married me, he would make it until December without turning on the heat. Well...that has changed. I don't like that game. I usually make it until the first cold night in September. (Yes, that was today...Shhh! Don't tell him).
Anyway, I guess it is time to find all the winter stuff. It's time for coats, hats, gloves, and boots to come out of hiding. I just hope that winter goes by as fast as summer.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Bowling Fun...
Tyler either threw a gutter ball or was just plain disgusted because...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Okay, so...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
A Mom of Boys
...HOW TO LAUGH: If you have ever been to my house you will know we laugh a lot. Sometimes it is just a chain reaction, someone starts and everyone else follows.
...HOW TO THROW A FOOTBALL: While I am not crazy about the sport, I might as well accept that it is a part of my life.
...HOW TO BE PATIENT: I always heard you should never pray for patience. I think God puts us in situations that are a test our tolerance. I am tested daily.
...DIRT DOESN'T HURT: This one is still hard for me. I have gotten a lot better. Tyler used to wear white and it stayed white because he wasn't allowed to get dirty. That doesn't happen anymore...I buy dark colors and a lot of Shout!
...HOW TO LIGHTEN UP: I have never been big on strange noises that come from ones body, but back to my first point, sometimes you just gotta laugh! I haven't got to point where you say, "If you can't beat 'em, Join "em!" (and I am not sure I ever will!) But I have relaxed a bit.
...SUPERHEROES: Boy, there are a lot of them. Batman, Robin, Superman, Ironman, Incredible Hulk, Spiderman, Venom, Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers...but don't mention Wonder Woman or the pink Power Ranger, they are girls and they have cooties!
...HOW TO HORSEPLAY: There really is no way around it. At one point or another, you will find me on the floor wrestling, giving wedgies, or tickling. Playing monster or horsie, it's all part of our life.
...BUMPS, BLOOD, AND BRUISES HAPPEN: This is another hard one for me. I pass out at the sight of blood and I can't take out a splinter without feeling woozy.
the list could go on. I don't know why God has chose this life for me. I wouldn't change it if I could. My kids are healthy and happy and that is all I can ask for because that is all that matters.
I know someday I will get that little girl. My babies will have babies sometime, hopefully not for a long time. Then, I will be able to comb her hair, use ribbons and bows, dress her in pink, and paint her nails. But until then, I am going to enjoy the boys God has given me.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A quick story...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I am so proud
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Out of the mouths of babes...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
My not so big plans
~I want to clean my house...one room a day and enjoy it clean for at least the morning hours until they come home from school
~I want to volunteer at school more...I haven't been able to do much because of having a little one at home
~I want to make some very needed dentist appointments...yuck
~I want to get coffee with my friends and have a conversation that doesn't involve yelling at one of my kids
~I want to go shopping, just simple grocery shopping, so I don't have to call my husband on his way home to pick something up so I can finish dinner
~I want to have breakfast with my husband if his schedule allows
~I want to relax, watch TV, blog, or take a nap if I want to
I know this may be a simple list but I am a simple person. My life is my kids and when I am not with my kids I am lost as strange as that may seem especially to those who know my kids.
I don't know how much of these "little" things I will get done. But I do know one thing I will do...I will miss my kids and all the chaos they bring and will look forward to picking them up from school and bringing them home so life for me can get back to normal, my normal.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I wasn't kidding
Friday, August 7, 2009
Homemade "fun"
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Not so smart, am I?
Friday, July 31, 2009
Isaiah strikes again!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I have said it before...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Chips on the table
Kassie: "Mommy, ...ya know what?"
Me: "What sweetie pie?"
Kassie: " Sherry Loooooman REALLLLLLLLY knows how to take care of kids. She left the chips on the table."
Me: "What do you mean she left the chips out on the table?"
Kassie: "I don't know but she just left the chips out for the boys and that was SO good."
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
My heart smiles
Isaiah has just started getting very brave. He does cannonballs just like his older brothers. I chose this picture because if you look close you can see a drop of water falling off his ear!
Then there is Tyler, he also loves the water and enjoys being with his brothers. He has come a long way in the water. He used to be like his mom but now he will jump right in with the best of them!