Saturday, December 13, 2008

Random thoughts

  • Potty training didn't go so well is much easier to change dirty diapers than dirty underwear.
  • The Cavs lost tonight.
  • Christmas is 12 days away and I am not ready.
  • I did mail out almost 90 Christmas cards though.
  • The Cavs broke their winning streak.
  • Bill is at Wal-mart right now looking for white jogging pants for our kids to wear for their Christmas play...tomorrow. It is 10:45pm, how's that for waiting until the last minute.
  • Tyler's basketball team has not won a game yet...poor kids.
  • Speaking of losing...oh, never mind, I already said that.
  • I have baked 6 batches of cookies for Christmas, so far, and have barely any left (I think I have a mouse in my house). I still have a lot of baking to do but at this rate I won't have any to give away.
  • I really should get to bed, my kids will be up in 7 hours, 6am comes early.
  • One last thing, a win would have been nice!


delilah said...

I wish I had known he was going to the old Walmart looking for white pants. I need a pair for Elise. I think she may be a tan sheep. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Your not upset by anything in particular here...are you?