Wednesday, April 1, 2009

God made dirt...

dirt won't hurt!?!?!?

That is what you say until your kid does something like this...
Today I met my friends Julie, Marcia, and Dianna at McDonald's for our "Mom Time." We were sitting around talking as the kids were playing when some other lady who was there with her kids says "Honey, he dumped a sugar packet and is licking it off the floor." Can you say GROSS? My son decided to dump the sugar inside the play area and lick it up like a dog! The lady said "Boys will be boys" and I just kind of rolled my eyes and sighed...don't I know that? Then, I said "Well, it's a good thing he is still taking antibiotics from having bronchitis over Spring Break!"

Having boys you learn that they are different. I always tell people that I can't believe God has given me four of them. He must have thought it would be funny because I can not stand the sight of blood and my stomach gets woozy at the thought of getting a splinter out. Even though, I have relaxed a little, I hate it when my kids get dirty. Poor Tyler, he had it the worst. I wouldn't even let him have sauce on his pasta because I didn't want him to get it on his clothes. If it was Tyler that had done what Isaiah did today, I would have started crying and probably taken him to the doctor.

They say boys are easier but, right now, I am not thoroughly convinced of that.


Anonymous said...

I have a boy (8) and a girl (4) and let me tell you my son is alot easier to take care of then my daughter. My daughter is a dare devil, she has no fear of anything, don't dare tell her not dto do something because she will do it. I thank GOD everyday that I haven't had to take her to the emergency room (yet, lol).

marcia said...
